Shawn & Cori are adopting! This long awaited journey began quite a few years ago.
Our story? It’s a twist of events. Shawn and I met in church in January of 2012. By December, we were engaged. 2013, we married and wanted to start a family immediately. After a few years of no luck, we went to see a fertility specialist. To our suprise and after a few appointments, we found out I was stage III Uterine cancer. A full Hysterectomy, removal of a grapefruit size tumor, chemo, radiation and 2 years of neuropathy and trying to feel normal again, we wanted a baby still. Here we are. 2024. It’s time. We have a beauty and simple home in Colorado and would love to keep saving to adopt a baby. Thank you to our community who have already began to help us. It surely takes a village.