Jessica and Anthony Addorisio

are adopting a child from United States of America

We have BIG news! But before we share… we feel like it is important to share our story with you. Not very many people know our story, besides family and close friends, but we want to share it in hopes that it will help someone else. Help them to understand that they are not alone.

We started our journey of becoming a family of four about 3 years ago. In April of 2016 we found out we were pregnant. This pregnancy was not at all planned, but we were so excited to be parents again and for Easton to be a big brother. Our pregnancy with Easton went so smoothly, we were expecting the same thing with this pregnancy. We immediately started thinking of names, nursery ideas, and researching day cares. When we went in for our 8 week ultrasound, they couldn't find a heartbeat. The doctor said I might not be as far along as I thought, and to come back in a week to see if they can find the heartbeat then. There was still hope! Before my next appointment, we lost our baby. We were devastated. However, we knew miscarriage was common and we were determined to not give up.

Over the summer we started trying again and we found out we were pregnant in July. A week before our 8 week ultrasound, we lost another baby. Two miscarriages.

In November of the same year, we found out we were pregnant again. We were excited, but wanted to wait to tell our family this time. I had the worst morning (really all day) sickness - just like I had with Easton, and I was so tired all the time. I decided to stop working out, just until we got through that first trimester. I didn't want to do anything to hurt our baby. Our 8 week appointment finally came. We were both so nervous. What if there wasn't a heartbeat again? What would we do? The moment we saw the baby's heartbeat on the screen we both started crying. We were so relieved! Finally! A healthy baby! Third time was the charm. We called our family to tell them the happy news. Around Christmas, all of my pregnancy symptoms suddenly stopped. I was only around 10 weeks, so this was strange because with Easton I had morning sickness until about 16 weeks. So I was either lucky this time around, or something was wrong. I had an appointment scheduled with my doctor a few days later, so I figured I'd wait until then to bring it up. When my appointment came and I told my doctor what was going on, they wanted to do an ultrasound just to make sure everything was okay. When the nurse did the ultrasound, our baby didn't have a heartbeat anymore. I immediately started sobbing. The nurse apologized, and then started going over our options. I could have a D&C, wait to miscarry naturally (but couldn't wait too long because that could cause an infection), or take some medication that would start the process. I decided to take the medicine and hope that would work.

Shortly after, my doctor recommended I get some blood work done to make sure I didn't have any autoimmune diseases, or anything else that might be causing our problems. My blood work came back fine, so we were left with no answers as to why this was happening.

After this, I fell into a very dark place. There were lots of tears and guilt. What did I do wrong? What is wrong with me and my body? Why am I being punished? I couldn't even talk about what happened without crying. I am so thankful Anthony was there for me during this time. He was so patient and was always there for me when I needed him. Of course, we would have friends and strangers constantly ask us, "When are you guys going to have another? Easton is so sweet, you guys need another one!" Every time someone would say something that like this, my heart would drop and it would take everything in me to not burst out in tears.

It took me almost two years before I was ready to try again. We both wanted this so badly, I felt like I needed to give it one more try. Besides, it had been two years, I was the healthiest I've ever been, maybe now it would work.

We found out we were pregnant again on Christmas Eve of 2018. Instead of excitement, we felt nervous. Uneasy. All the what ifs went through our head. Two weeks later, we lost our baby.

Four miscarriages.

We know that we are supposed to be parents again. Easton is supposed to be a big brother. But we feel like God is leading us in a different direction. After a lot of soul searching and tears, we are finally at peace with our past, and are so excited for the future.


We know our baby is out there somewhere and we want to give him/her the best possible life imaginable.

As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign. It may surprise you to hear that adoption related costs can easily total up to $35,000 or more. This is why we have set a goal of $40,000 to help ease the financial burden that often overwhelms adoptive parents.

We are asking for your help in making this happen for our little family. All of the money raised here will go towards lawyer fees, birth mother expenses, home visits, etc. Your support in helping us find our baby and take him/her home to shower with love would mean the absolute world to us. Our family will be complete.

We are so grateful for your help, for reading our story, and for being there for us through this process. We love you all!


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$3,390 raised of $40,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 26

  • Adina Topfer gave $25
  • Misti Holmes gave $500
  • John Nagy gave $100
  • Delvis & Lesly gave $500
  • Caroline Barrett gave $20
  • Andy C gave $200
  • Pops and JoJo gave $50
  • Corina’ Meldau gave $50
  • Lauren Tatman gave $75
  • Aja Fuschini gave $50