Elly was born in China on Oct 20. The Chinese government consider her to be 9 years old. However, there is reason to believe she is actually 7 years old. She was found abandoned as a baby at the front entrance of a well known park in her city. She was born with a cleft lip and palate. For the first years of Elly&'s life she lived in a foster home with other children and also with the elderly. In 2013 she was moved to an orphanage. Shortly after arriving to the orphanage she was able to receive surgery for her cleft lip and palate. Elly still continues to live in the orphanage. Her caretakers share with us that she is quiet and kind. She likes singing and dancing, is observant and takes care of the younger children at the orphanage. She seldom expresses her needs, but likes to receive praises. She seldom fights with others and is an obedient child. Elly has lived her entire life without a family. We are told she wants a family. For almost her entire life I have had a desire to adopt, but we always had an excuse for why now is not the time. We have been scared for years to take the leap because the cost of an international adoption is more than we have. Earlier this year God made it apparent to us He wants us to be Elly&'s family and we want her to be our daughter. Since March of this year we have been working tirelessly to bring Elly home and give her the family and life she deserves. God has called us to be bold in our faith. That has required us to be braver than ever before, but that also means that He is calling the help of others to help make our dream and Elly&'s dream come true. We want to thank you in advance for any amount you can contribute.