In December, the Biller family (4 biological children - two girls ages 14 and 12, two boys ages 10 and 7) started on an amazing journey hosting a set of six siblings from Eastern Europe who were listed as &'nearly impossible to host, let alone adopt&' simply because there are so many. They are five boys, ages 13, 10, 8, 7, and 6, and one little princess, age 4. The children are precious - described as &'wonderful, the only &'issue&' is the number of them.&' All six were so close that prior to entering the orphanage they all slept in one bed and the oldest acted as a father, which is why they cannot be separated. Since arriving at the orphanage three years ago there have been NO inquiries on them for adoption or fostering. Prior to hosting we had no plans to adopt a large group, or any older children, and in fact had not even decided for certain whether to adopt at all. However we had an amazing time together, witnessing the Lord working around us. All 10 children got along great and we quickly realized we HAD to pursue the &'impossible&' of adopting all six, knowing all things are possible through Christ! The Lord has been guiding us through each step and we have been so amazed! Thank you for your prayers and support. Besides the costs of adoption, our living expenses will increase dramatically as we need to by a large van, several new beds, twice as much food, etc! You can read more about our journey at (please email to request access to our private blog, as the country we are dealing with requires no public information) or on facebook Adopt6 (will need to request access to secret group).