I remember during our pre-marriage counseling we were asked to simultaneously hold up a number on how many kids we wanted. I held up two fingers and I looked over at Jess and saw both of her hands raised with six fingers up! Well, prayerfully God will give us even more than we thought. We are so excited to adopt child number seven!
As I type, my wife and I just finished telling our kids that it was official. We've all prayed about this for a long time, but we just dropped the news that we are starting paperwork. There were cheers and hugs and now they are rearranging furniture to prepare. They are so happy to make room for more.
So what does this mean for us? Two things. First, I won’t be an empty nester till I am 65. Second, we need to raise $40,000.
One of the first questions every adoptive parent asks is “Why does it cost so much?” I would like to explain why and ask you to consider giving towards bringing this child home.
$40,000….. what does it go toward? First, is what’s called the home study where a social worker visits three different times and helps us prepare.
Then there are the legal fees. Hiring an attorney and all the transitioning of custody.
However, the bulk of the $40,000 goes to the expectant mother's care. She will receive counseling to help her understand why adoption is the best option and not abortion. Many mothers will need living expenses, housing, and transportation to the clinic. Most will also need groceries and have medical bills regarding labor and delivery that they cannot cover. Basically, after all this, the average is $40,000.
Jess and I would love you to be a part of helping in the life of this child. Thank you for considering as well as your friendship and support.
Todd, Jess, Camden, Brody, Axel, Noble, Quincy and Cruz