The Baca family expands again!
The Lord has seen fit to allow us the opportunity to welcome another baby Baca into our family. Our story has been filled with many twists and turns, joys and sorrows, hills and valleys; and many tears, but even more laughter. In 2009, we experienced the loss of two sons. One, Justus, was born in February at 26 weeks gestation. Although he only lived 16 days, his life made a tremendous impact in our lives, and many of those around us. Our second son died shortly before birth in December of that same year. We had always known that we wanted to adopt, but that Christmas, God brought us the gift of moving forward into our first adoption journey. By May of 2010, our first daughter, Lydia, was born to us through adoption.
In 2013, our lives took a drastic turn as we left everything behind to move across the country to go to Bible college and seminary. It was also at this time that we decided to pursue adoption again. After three and a half years, and many failed matches, the Lord brought us our second beautiful princess, Lenora. Although, we have always said we would take as many children as God would give us, we were not prepared for our next surprise. In 2019, just two years after Lenora was born, we welcomed a son, Liam, who was a half-biological sibling to Lenora.
Now here we are in 2020… Just ten "short" years ago we wondered if we would ever have the opportunity to see children laughing in our home, holding our hands, and filling our hearts with love and joy. We have been so blessed to see that and more! Reflecting back, when we first held two and a half pound Lydia in our arms, we wondered if we could ever love any other child as much as her. The Lord has proven that His love and grace toward us overflows, by the abundance that He has poured into our hearts for our own children. This last Christmas of 2019, we became overwhelmed with awe and gratitude that we should be allowed to have such an amazing family. In March, we received a phone call that, despite all our joy, made us pause… another child? So soon? We didn't pause very long before saying "Yes!"
Baby Baca #4 is a girl, and she is due in October 2020. We are so thrilled for another opportunity to grow our family - it's really unbelievable! Through previous adoptions, God has provided every resource for the journey (praying friends and family, time, energy and strength, funds - the list goes on!). We know that as we are facing a $28,000 adoption, this too He shall provide. He has provided for us to have already paid $8,000 toward our adoption expenses. As we look forward to traveling soon to meet our baby girl, we are so grateful beyond words to our family and friends who have held us up and walked beside us all along the way, as God leads us, in Christ, to where He wants us to be. Thank you for considering our adoption - we covet your prayers.