We have BIG news! Our home study has been approved through the Adoption Associates of Iowa. We are now licensed to adopt and ready to find our match.
This August will mark six years of prayers and attempts to grow our family and make Erik a big brother. We have experienced loss through six miscarriages, as well as fourteen good-byes through foster care, the most painful being our failed foster care adoption last year. We are hoping and praying that God will grow our family at last through domestic adoption.
We are beyond excited and are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a beautiful new life into our home. We just need a little help to get there…
As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign. It may surprise you to hear that adoption costs typically range between $30-$60K, with $43K being the average cost for families adopting in 2018. We have said good-bye to our second car and taken out the maximum loan amount we were approved for. We are also actively applying for adoption grants through various organizations. While this will cover the bulk of our adoption costs, we still need a little help with the rest.
We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as he/she grows up. We also hope you will join us in praying for our future child(ren) as the adoption process progresses.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord.. “plans to give you hope"
***AdoptTogether is a project of Hoping Hearts Foundation Inc, an IRS approved 501c3 organization. Your donation is not only tax-deductible, but families receive funding via grants that ensure all money raised only goes to verifiable adoption expenses.***