We have BIG news!
We are finally getting MUCH CLOSER to completing our adoption. Our whimsical little curly headed cutie pie, Syndie is very excited about joining our family OFFICIALLY! However, she is even MORE excited about THIS new development…
SURPRISE!!! She is going to have a little brother as well!
We are beyond excited and doing everything we can to prepare to welcome one more beautiful new life into our home. As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign.
While little guy joined us permanently last month, the challenges of raising the resources ourselves and having Rebecca here in Haiti to optimize bonding are in conflict with each other. As you know she has been working frequently in the states to help us create IT programming jobs here in Haiti, as well as providing birth care for many missionary families. She needs to pull back from her work stateside for a season, which happens to be just as these expenses are due. So, we are reaching out for help!
We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our children as they grow up, surrounded by love.
For those of you who don't know us already, we are a family simply blessed by adoption previously, now living and working in Port Au Prince, Haiti while fostering our second crew of two young ones. They are waiting to be with us FOREVER, as well! We primarily focus on orphan prevention and poverty reduction. You can find us doing a variety of odd things here in our "spare" time, but most likely its teaching coding bootcamps or birthing babies!