God shattered our hearts for orphans. Through the last several years, we have experienced His heartbreaking faithfulness and the overwhelming power of a Hope that has leveled our hearts through the journey He has set us on…and we will never be the same. As we near the finish to welcome home our little Selah (aka Sabrina), we have the last third of her adoption to fund. We were tremendously blessed to be a recipient of an adoption grant from the Tim Tebow Foundation&'s partnership with Show Hope, as well as the extraordinary generosity of so many friends and family. However, even with this, we have come to a point where we have emptied our bank accounts and are unable to go any further without help. Your support means so much more to us than you know; it goes so very far beyond financials. In standing with our family, you answer the cries of the weakest and most needy among us - you become a defender of orphans - your kindness and compassion will change the course of a life. If you would like to know more about our family, or the most current news on Selah&'s adoption, please visit our blog at www.barrettadoptionjourney.blogspot.com