Good things come to those who wait. Adam and I met at Concordia St Paul, in choir. Adam sang tenor and I sang soprano. We ended up spending two years of our relationship long distance, at that point, Adam proposed. We got married on a cold winter day in December 2012. Early on in our marriage, we started talking about children. We were dying to start our family, but wanted to provide a stable environment in which to raise our children so we intentionally worked to secure stable jobs before working on our family. Good things come to those who wait. We started trying for our family in 2013. After a year on our own, we sought medical counsel. After a year of medical assistance, we were referred to the Center for Reproductive Medicine. In our initial consult, the doctor was confident that he can get us pregnant with Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). It is a non-evasive method of allowing people suffering from infertility the same chance that healthy couples have to conceive. Thousands of dollars later, and three failed IUI rounds, we feel God calling us to adopt. Good things come to those who wait. We have accepted that biological children may never happen for us, and instead begin our new journey to completing our family though adoption. We feel that as God has adopted us as His sons and daughters, we too can share in that love with an adopted child. We trust that God will provide for us and guide this process as he has our lives thus far. Waiting is sometimes hard but we know it will be worth it in the end. Good things come to those who wait. The cost of adoption is great. Before we got married, in our premarital counseling we realized that we both wanted to have four children. This was before God led us to adoption. We may never end up with our family of six, but we know that God has a plan for us and that His will is perfect. God has always blessed us and provided for our needs and sometimes that has come through the help of friends and family. We have been blessed with supporters all around, praying, visiting, encouraging and giving to help us achieve His perfect plan for our family. We ask you to help us in this journey to becoming a family. Pray for us, encourage us and if you wish, give of any abundance that God has blessed you with. Thank you for taking the time to support us. We couldn't do it without you! We are hoping to raise this much to help reduce our costs for this process. Thank you again for continued support!