As many of you know, we have been in the process of adoption for over two years. We've had a really long, draining journey with many twists and turns, but we're hopeful that it will soon be all worth it.
We've been chosen by an expectant mom due in the next several months!! We don't want to share any more information at this point as we feel that it is important to protect our child's story.
We reevaluated how we were approaching our adoption journey shortly after we moved to Monterey, and we recently signed on with an adoption consultant. Adoption consultants see many more cases than traditional agencies and have more reach. We were chosen for the first case that we saw!
We are obviously cautiously excited, but also a little nervous about how all of the finances will come together. Many times the fees associated with cases through a consultant are higher, and the case we were chosen for is no exception. However, we felt that God was calling us to take this leap of faith even though we didn't have all the money at the time our profile was shown.
To help bring our child home, we are asking for support from our community around the world. We are "selling" pieces of a world map puzzle for $10 each. If you buy a piece (or more than one piece), we will write your name on the back of that piece or section. We then plan to put the puzzle together, mount it in a double-sided frame, and then hang it on our child's wall for years to come. We can't wait to share with our child that all these people made the adoption possible!
We appreciate all your support as we begin this next phase of our journey!
In the "Notes" section, please indicate what you would like your puzzle piece to say. For example, "Smith Family" or "Joe and Becky Smith." Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.