Rebecca Bingham is a mother of 6 children–a blend of biological, adopted and special needs–who crossed paths with an orphan boy that was meant to be her son. JB is 13 yrs old and has cerebral palsy.
Time is running out for JB to join his forever family. In China, children "age out" or become ineligible for adoption when they turn 14. Without the love and support of a family, these children lack life skills and have little hope of finding a job, a spouse, a support network of friends or a way to improve their lives. Consequently, they often end up homeless, forced into the sex trade, or as members of the working poor.
JB is quiet, generous and gentle. At the advocacy camp where Rebecca met him, he was always looking out for his friends and the smaller children. Rebecca describes him as an independent and curious boy with a sharp mind and a tender heart. JB is really excited to join their big family and have lots of brothers and sisters.
Here's how you can help!
Donate today to help with the ~ $30,000 total cost of an international China adoption!
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