Kelly Black

is adopting a child from China



In 2016 we started praying about adding one more child to our family. We made our decision Fall 2018 to begin the adoption process with a program in China.

As I write this we are just at the beginning stages and have a home study along with a big stack of paperwork and training ahead of us. We are excited and honestly a bit unsure of what this all will look like, but are following God's call on our heart to do this and are feeling led to adopt a child with Down syndrome.

Much has changed in the landscape of China adoptions; currently there are more boys than girls, and the vast majority of children have special medical or developmental needs. However, one thing hasn’t changed: children need a loving family and a place to call home. Right now around the world, there are hundreds of children living with Down syndrome who are without a loving and caring family. Often stigmatized and deemed “unadoptable” because of their extra chromosome, children with Down syndrome have few options, and many will spend their entire life in institutional care.

We are beyond excited and are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a fourth child into our home. As part of our adoption process, along with applying for grants we have started a crowdfunding campaign. It may surprise you to hear that adoption related costs can easily total up to $40,000 or more not including anticipated medical expenses that once we bring our child home.

It is a very costly endeavor, one that we are prepared to pay. But there is something special about inviting you all along with us on our journey, to take part in bringing a child home. If along the way over the next few years, if you feel led to financially support us in any way, we would be very humbled and blessed to receive the gift.

Financial Gifts are tax deductible through Adopt Together. Feel free to check out the FAQ page on this website for more information and answers to any questions you may have.

Our prayer is by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as they grow up no longer as an orphan, but loved, chosen, & adopted into the family of Christ.

Thank you for joining us on this journey,

Andrew, Kelly, Jordan, Hannah & Lillian

Please note: If you give through Paypal,( 100% of the donation will go directly to our adoption account set up with our bank.

The Tax-Deductible Donations given here will have a 5% transaction cost that is deducted from all donations. The 5% covers costs incurred processing credit cards and transaction costs to process checks.

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork

Adoption Agency



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$5,718 raised of $17,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 22

  • Evan Braaten gave $200
  • Anonymous gave $100
  • Nicole Fogarty gave $150
  • Cheryl Metcalf gave $100
  • Brian Spence gave $1,050
  • Amanda and Brok Hansmeyer gave $500
  • Nicole Fogarty gave $500
  • Anonymous gave $25
  • Mary Jane Black gave $1,000
  • Steve and Wenday Sorenson gave $100