*UPDATE* Due to some personal gifts outside this fundraising site, we are now fully funded! Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity! We have been blown away by the swiftness of God&'s provision and the significant role you all played in bringing Sam home! 2011, God very clearly laid adoption on our family&'s heart. Jennifer&'s health declined shortly after and we spent years seeking a proper diagnoses and treatment plan, our adoption dreams placed on hold. As her health slowly improved, we decided in early 2015 to take part in a host to adopt program though Great Wall China Adoption. We had the great privilege of hosting 11 year old Zhong Shi Yi for 5 weeks this past summer. Abandoned at 3 days old and having lived in an orphanage his entire life, "Sam" (as we renamed him) melted almost seamlessly into our family life. His excitement for life and compassion for others quickly won over our hearts and those of our extended family members and close friends. William reveled in his older playmate&'s energy and attention and he cared for Elliot and Carys as only an older, protective brother could. We have no doubt Sam was perfectly selected by God to be a part of our family. He returned to China at the end of August and we all feel a loss, knowing our son and brother is waiting to be reunited with us! Our home study is complete and we hope to have travel plans by March of next year. We estimate our home study, agency and travel expenses to be around $35,000. We humbly ask that you would consider a tax-deductible donation through Adopt Together to help us bring Sam home! Thank you for supporting our newest family member!