Kramer and I are so thrilled to finally share this big news! We are adopting a child! For many years now, we’ve known adoption was a part of our story. The calling has been undeniable. And through the ups and downs of life involving preschoolers, busy jobs, new jobs, health issues, and a home renovation, we’re finally pursuing this dream. So here we are, nervously and excitedly walking into the deep end, waiting for God to meet us there. We’ve finished months worth of paperwork (and I’d be just fine if I never set foot in another government building or kinkos again) although we realize this is only the beginning. We’re officially “waiting” to be matched with baby brother or baby sister…and one day, we’ll hop on an airplane to China and meet him or her for the first time! Emery and Cam are going to be the best big sisters and can’t wait to take care of a brand new *real life* baby.
We’d love for each of you to join us in this journey by first, praying. We’re praying for our little one (whom has probably already been born) that he or she is safe and has the love and support of a caretaker. We’re praying for his or her birth parents if they are living, that they find peace with their decision. And we’re praying for patience and discernment for us as we wait to receive a phone call that will change our lives forever.
Kramer and I know this is going to be a roller coaster, so we’re incredibly grateful to have the support of so many wonderful friends and family. Feel free to follow along with our status updates here…and if you feel led, become a part of our story financially at the provided links. Our adoption is estimated to cost $35,000 and we have saved up for about half of this, thus our goal of $15,000. We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as he/she grows up. We love you all.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” -Jeremiah 1:5 NIV