Shortly after bringing Samuel home we knew that at some point we would go back to China. You just can't unsee an orphanage with over 600 children who have no family of their own. Through a series of events that only God could have orchestrated, we viewed our daughters file. But once again, just like when we began the process with Samuel, we didn't have the money. But God began to gently remind us how He provided for us once before. He led us to the Old Testament book of Ezra. The Lord provided above and beyond what Zerubbabel and the other Israelites who returned from exile needed to rebuild the temple. Even using a pagan king who paid for the entire project.
The number one reason people think about adoption but never do it is because of the money. The simple truth is, if we call ourselves Christians, we are called to care for the orphans. Currently we have already raised and saved over $20,000. The total cost will be roughly $35,000. Would you prayerfully consider caring for an orphan and helping us bring our daughter home to her family? If you can't or don't feel called to give financially, please commit to praying for us and her as we work to bring her home.
Our daughter, Liana, was born on March 9, 2015. She is very delayed and at 2 years old has the gross motor skills of a 6 month old. Since we are already matched with her we should travel in about 6 months. We are very anxious to get her home to the best medical care and therapy. Thank you in advance for praying, giving, and supporting us on this journey!!!
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3-4