Adoption changed our lives starting about 5 years ago. We had 4 wonderful children and a happy and busy life. But then the same thought just kept coming up… "What really is our Purpose here on earth?" A late night prayer for guidance was answered immediately and out of the blue: "ADOPT". We started the process the next day, not knowing anything about adoption or where it would lead us. We prayed before each small decision and was finally led to South Korea in 2012 to bring home Caleb - a now 4 yr old preschooler who is the light of our family. He is a true joy and a gift of God. Seeing firsthand the amazingness of adoption we hoped to adopt again. Sadly, it is expensive, and with a daughter in college (which is why she is missing from our recent photo), a son starting next year, and a loan from the first adoption we wondered how to make it work. Well, in April we saw the photo of a precious 4 yr old boy (very near Caleb&'s age) from South Korea who has been waiting his whole life to be matched with a family. Again, we felt the same nudge. We just knew that we were his family and began the process to bring him home. We are trusting in God&'s provision and the certainty that "God sets the lonely in families".