We are in the final stages of adopting our son K from Eastern Europe. We spent twenty five days in his country bonding our new family.He has now been here in the USA since July 4th.It feels like he has been with us forever. I think this feeling is really what "Forever Family " means. From two ends of the earth we have found each other. Fitting together like we always were one. He is funny and kind. He wants us to be his family. We already are… We need to return to Eastern Europe in 7 weeks to finalize his adoption…and then again for a third trip. This journey began a year ago when friends began advocating for K. This amazing boy was about to age out of the orphan system they said. He wants a family. We think it&'s you guys. Pray about it. Wow… some kind of crazy huh?! We prayed…we filed paperwork….we began on the best journey of our lives..our family. That was October 29th 2013. We did it…approved….funds raised…plane tickets…passports… We meet.. it&'s love…family style…now we are home, But we are not done. We ask what our friends asked us….pray about it….see what happens. One less orphan