We are the Browns, and we are excited to carry out the gospel of Christ and bring an orphan into our home and provide him or her with a forever family! We applied in January of 2014 and have been on the paperwork trail of adoption since then. Our home study is complete, and so now we are waiting on a referral and trying to find creative and meaningful ways to raise funds. We&'d appreciate all prayers for our journey, but we set up this AdoptTogether profile if you&'d like to give a tax-deductible donation to our adoption. Note: The estimated cost of our adoption is $34,138.50. We have already paid many of the fees, so we are setting our fundraising goal to $20,000.00. You can also follow along with us on our journey at www.paulandnikole.com. The main purpose of the site will be to blog about our journey, but you will also be able to look at some of the financial details of our adoption.