We are hoping to adopt…again!!
Being parents to our son over the past year has been one of the sweetest joys of our life and we look forward to growing our family again through adoption. Our home study is almost finished and we hope to be ready to welcome another baby into our family in the next few weeks. If you'd like to learn more about us or how we are hoping to adopt, we would encourage you to check out our website here: https://www.calebandcaitlin.com/
Why adoption?
We have always been excited about adoption! Caitlin's youngest (and amazing!) brother was adopted which played a significant role in her life and Caleb also has family members that are adopted. From the earliest days of our relationship, we knew adoption was something we would like to remain open to and after a year of trying to get pregnant, we found out that we are unable to have biological children. In 2019, our son joined our family through adoption and being his parents is one of the sweetest joys of our life. We still have a lot to learn, especially as a transracial family, but the privilege of being chosen to parent this sweet, joy filled little boy is not lost on us. We want to do all that we can to help him grow every day, navigate his story, and rest in his identity as a child of God. We think he will love being a big brother!
Why now?
This is a crazy time in our world with a pandemic leaving many out of work, grieving and uncertain about the future. Our son is still young. You may be wondering, why adopt now? These are valid questions and ones that we have not dismissed easily when starting this process. While of course we are hopeful that God has another child for our family, and we would love to see our son as a big brother, this story is about so much more than us. We know firsthand the joy of growing our family through adoption, but also the weight of the loss that is experienced by birth families. So we are hoping for an opportunity to put our yes on the table for an expectant mom out there considering adoption for her child. We are saying we love you and we see you and we want to walk this road with you, as best as we can.
By joining with us through prayer, and encouragement and financial giving- you are walking alongside us and the expectant mom, and the child that is already so loved by so many. Thank you.
How can you help?
First, please pray for our family during this time. The adoption process can be an emotional rollercoaster for all involved. Please also pray for the woman who is carrying or will be carrying this child. Nothing about what she will go through is easy, and we ask that you would join us in praying for her.
The second way you can join us is financially. The average domestic infant adoption costs between $20—40K. We are hoping to raise at at least $20,000 to help cover the costs.
The third way you can be involved is help us spread the word. Working outside an agency relies heavily on our networks of friends, family, and other online resources to help us connect with an expectant mom who is considering making an adoption plan.
This is an exciting time for our family and we can’t wait to welcome baby #2 into our family! Thanks for journeying with us in this! We’d love to hear from you so please don’t hesitate to reach out and email us at [email protected]
If you would like to know more about us, please check out our website https://www.calebandcaitlin.com/
Florida Bar# 118280