"The mind of man plans his way and the Lord directs his steps" Proverbs 16:9
Many of you know the journey we have taken with our foster son, David (Victor) culminating in our decision to pursue his adoption.
If not, we offer this condensed version:
We first became aware of David when we started the adoption process with Evan and Lucy (our first adopted children). He and our son, Evan, attended the same school for orphans in Beijing and were in a foster home community together. At our request, we were able to meet David when we travelled to China in March of 2016 to bring Lucy and Evan home. David was scheduled to come to the US for surgery later in 2016 but plans fell through. Then at the beginning of this year a woman from his foster foundation, Little Flower, contacted LEAP, a medical foundation in Texas to provide the complex facial cranial surgery David needed. She coordinated his medical visa, permission from his orphanage and funding for his flight to America. The entire surgery was funded by LEAP. Meanwhile, we had been praying since we returned home from Beijing for God to give this particular dear boy a family. Dianne often contacted his advocate in China to check on his status. It was during one of these points of contact that we became aware of the opportunity to host David here in our home for the remainder of his medical visa, which was initially to expire at the end of August. Although he thought that he was here merely for an extended visit with his friend, Evan, we were busily advocating for and preparing him for adoption.
In God's providence his Visa stay was extended until August 2018 and it became clear that we were the family called to pursue his adoption.
We are excited for David join our family and we have begun the process to make that happen! Moreover, we are humbled by all those who have labored to care for David with tremendous expressions of love towards him and in continuing support for us in this process. As if that were not enough, some have asked about contributing to the finances necessary to complete his adoption. One family has come forward with a pledge to match all funds others contribute to fund the remaining adoption costs.