Christina & Frank D.

are adopting a child from United States of America

We are beyond thrilled to announce we will be adopting our first child!

This has been a long journey for us, including a disrupted match, but our wait is over and our prayers have been answered! We have been matched and our son will arrive on 7/14/2023!

We unfortunately found out we could not naturally conceive over 4 years ago, due to Frank's childhood Leukemia, and decided adoption was the right choice for us. As many of you may or may not know, adoption can be very expensive. Initial fees from agency, annual fees to keep records/clearances current, and fees once matched can total anywhere from $35,000-$75,000. Further more, in a case of failed adoption, you may not be able to retrieve any funds.

Our son will be born via a scheduled c-section at 36 weeks due to various risk factors with his birth mother. We are anticipating a NICU stay indefinitely until he is medically stable to come home. We are anticipating more bills to come and have already been drawing from our home equity line of credit to get here. We are asking for your support to help us bring our son home!

Thank you in advance! God Bless!

Frank and Tina Dattilo

Adoption Status

Home At Last

Adoption Agency

A Baby Step Adoption


  • Update 4


    October 10, 2023
    Well, we've been home for just about 2 months now! Dante is doing great - he has amazing head control, can now roll over, smiles constantly, and mimicks "hi"! He is working on sitting up (I caught him doing crunches a few times!) and can't wait to start crawling! It has been an absolute amazing thing to watch him grow and develop these past few weeks. God has truly blessed us with the most perfect baby boy to join our family. Dante has already brought so much love and laughter to our lives, he truly makes our family complete!! Much love... Read more
  • Update 3

    One more day!

    August 4, 2023
    One more day to go for baby Dante to come home!! Dante has made amazing progress over the past week with gaining weight and taking his feedings with the bottle! He's doing so well that he is on track for discharge from the NICU tomorrow! We are so excited to finally bring him home, introduce him to all our family and friends, and begin our lives as a family of 4 (can't forget our dog Thor!). It may sound crazy, but we are looking forward to the sleepless nights, the craziness of juggling work/home life/baby, and the diaper changing. We've waited... Read more
  • Update 2

    Our NICU stay continues

    July 20, 2023
    Thank you all so much for all your love and support!! It truly means the world to us to be able to share all this with you! Update on our little boy - It's been quite an interesting past few days. From the minute he arrived in the NICU, our baby's sugar levels stabilized. It was amazing! Then he started to refuse to eat. Our little peanut lost about 15% of his birth weight because he wouldn't eat so a feeding tube had to be put in. The nurses and therapists have been working with him daily to teach him how to... Read more
  • Update 1

    Baby boy is here!

    July 15, 2023
    Hi all! Our long-awaited baby boy is finally here! He arrived on 7/14/23 at 10:17am, weighing 5 lbs 14 oz. He is truly our dream come true! During his first 24 hours, he was transferred to the NICU for closer monitoring, as his blood sugar readings were too low. He is a healthy weight, so we are praying that his sugar levels begin to stabilize. He is very alert and seems to be responding well to our voices :) We thank you all for your continued support! It's been quite a journey thus far, and we have a long road... Read more
$3,500 raised of $20,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 16

  • Erika Land gave $70
    Sending love and blessings to your new little family!
  • Carol Shilling gave $50
    You are going to make the best parents Enjoy the journey
  • Clinton Lynch gave an undisclosed amount
  • Karen P Armentani gave $100
    With our Congratulations, Love and Prayers. May God Bless and Protect Your Beautiful Family ALWAYS.
  • Angenetta Jones gave $100
    To the best parents I love you guys
  • Gayle Petersen gave an undisclosed amount
    Congratulations Tina & Frank!
  • St Anthony DiPadova Society, SWP gave an undisclosed amount
  • Ted Dezzi gave $100
    Congrats Frank and Tina. Best of luck in your new adventure.
  • Sophia Elberti gave an undisclosed amount
    Dear Tina and Frank, I am so thrilled for you both but mostly for precious Dante Michael that he now has two such loving parents to care for him in a blessed way. I can’t think of a more worthy way to contribute…from my heart to yours.💕
  • Paul D Gordon gave an undisclosed amount
    Very best of luck. Hope all goes well!