The word "adoption" comes from the Latin word adoptio, which means to "choose, wish, or desire" something. It has been our wish to grow our family through adoption for as long as Jordan and I have been together. We desire to raise up our children under a safe roof where love is stronger than genetics and grace is abundant amidst the noise and chaos of living life in a large family.
14 months ago we embarked upon our adoption journey to bring our fourth child into the mix. We have three sons, ages 7, 4 and 3 and our approved child profile looks like we’ll be adopting a special needs child, 0-3 years of age. Once matched, the five of us will be traveling to beautiful Colombia for approximately four weeks. Upon returning stateside, the six of us will settle into our new rhythm and life together in the Pacific Northwest. When will this all happen? The short answer is we don’t yet know. On Laura’s birthday, July 16, our dossier was approved by the Colombian government. We are now awaiting our referral, to match our family to a specific kiddo. If you’d like to follow along in our journey and learn more as we continue along in our process, we’d love for you to join us over on our Facebook group page: “The Collier Family Adoption.”
They say it takes a village and we are so beyond grateful to have you in ours. Thank you for your prayers, financial support and encouragement as God continues to write out the specifics in our adoption story. We are proud and beyond grateful for the opportunity to grow our family in this way and we are endlessly thankful for your love and support along the way.