For those of you who have followed our journey, you know it's been a long one. We are now at a place where we want to move forward with domestic infant adoption. We are using an adoption attorney in Washington state, which should be more direct and expedite the process. Thank you so much for your support through all of these tough years! We have so much to be grateful for and yet, we still feel the ache to fill our home and lives with children. Please feel no pressure, but if you would like to support, know everything you contribute financially goes directly toward our pursuit of adopting a baby. All our love and appreciation, David and Joanna
Hi all!
We completed our home study just an hour ago with a gem of a social worker - we were connected by a chain of good people. A good reference goes a long way! All the paperwork is completed, Seta writes her report, we post our website live and connect with a birth mother, then bam it all happens.
We have chosen to be open to an expectant mom with an older sibling up to 3-4 and adopt both to keep together, as well as all ethnicities and assess around substance use. There are many supports for adoptees to support a child born to mother with substance use, and the primary goal is to provide a safe home and family environment from as young an age as possible. We believe we are that and are very ready for this.
Thank you all for your love along this road.
Jae + Dave
Hi all!
We are quickly on our way to completing everything prior to our home study, and in fact, we moved that date up to Saturday, January 11th. Will keep you posted after that is done!
Jae + Dave
Hello friends ~
We wanted to say hello and thank you for all your contributions to get us to our financial goal and beyond. Honestly, it is sometimes hard to believe these things will happen when you put it out there, but it did! And we are so excited and grateful and moved and looking forward to 2025 and all the baby Updates!
Our home study is scheduled for end of January and we are completing all the paperwork and prepping the house (and ourselves) for anything that might be inquired about. Thank you to all who donated financially and those that have written letters to vouch for us to our lovely Social Worker - we literally could not have done this without you! And those who have been with us for the long haul...gah, thank you for everything over the years.
Happy Holiday and BIGGEST HOPES + JOYS for the New Year!!
David + Joanna
We are onto finding a social worker for our home study - we spoke to 3 on the phone who are all lovely options - and plan to begin in January 2025, if not sooner. The process can take up to 2 months and is viable for 2 years. This is our next step and all of your donations will go toward this (now at $2050).
Will continue to keep you posted. We are so grateful for everyone and ready to build our family. 💖
Hey guys,
Thanks to everyone who got us to our first goal of $2000! This allows us to start the home study process, which we will begin shortly.
With much appreciation for your continued support in our family-building journey.
David + Joanna