I walked by our spare bedroom with different eyes since Penny came home from Ethiopia 2 1/2 years ago. Instead of an extra space for guests and family to visit, I began to see it as a squandered opportunity for us to love another child and grow our family. An empty spot at our six person dining room table began to take on a new purpose - that chair was meant for our newest DeMaio. And although we didn&'t know him yet, when we filled out the initial application with All God&'s Children International, Jackson Thomas Lijing was waiting for us - his forever family. We were matched with Lijing on October 31, 2013. We are anticipating being able to go to China to bring him home sometime in May or June, 2014. He has been waiting for his forever family at the orphanage since he was 1 month old. We pray that the days are short and the resources to bring us together are many. We have had friends and family ask how you can help to bring Jack home and decided to set this site up to allow our community to help us get him home. We still have major costs ahead (travel, visas, orphanage donations). If you are inclined to help, your gift is tax-deductible. Thank you!!