Our family is very excited as we embark on this journey. Adoption has been on our hearts from the beginning of our relationship. As we have navigated through the earlier years of our adult life we made decisions and plans that would lead towards a lifestyle welcome to and stable for biological and adoptive children.
Ukraine facilitates blind adoptions, meaning we do not officially know who we are adopting until our first trip to Kiev. At that point we will find out genders, ages, one or two siblings, special needs, medical history, etc. Our plan is to adopt between ages 5 and 12, either genders, and from a varied list of special and medical needs.
At the beginning of the process we were fully funded. Over the winter, laws in Ukraine changed and lengthened the appeal wait period between court dates from 10 days to 30 days. This now requires a third trip overseas to complete the adoption process and to bring everyone home.
Through miraculous overloads of overtime, generous donations, and fundraisers, we have been able to raise half of the money needed for airfare and travel expenses.
We now humbly ask for others to donate, as they feel led, towards the remaining financial needs of completing the adoption travel. Any funds raised above our goal will go towards unforeseen expenses or immediate medical needs for the children.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and to support our family through monetary donation.