THANK YOU!!! to for all who are giving! We so appreciate your support! We have UPDATED OUR GOAL to reflect our actual expenses to date. REJOICE with us that we reached our initial goal of $10,000! If you want a full financial update you can read about our needs and expenses here: **UPDATE** We received our LOA, our final approval, 02/16! Generally families travel 8-12 weeks after that date! Wow! It&'s getting REAL!!! We are so excited to add a son and a daughter who desperately need a family to ours! Our dossier was Logged In on December 17 and with each step we take GOTCHA DAY draws near! Our hope is to travel by May 2015. We know that not every family is called to adopt, but we believe that everyone is called to do something. Long before we began our own adoption process we were blessed to participate in other&'s adoptions by giving and serving. We invite you to be part of our process and help financially in getting these sweeties home! The upfront costs are daunting, but when we all join together, bearing one another&'s burdens, we can MOVE MOUNTAINS! Thanks for considering a gift.