Our Adoption Video ~ https://vimeo.com/70992826 Hi there, we&'re Rob and Katie Eaker! We&'ve been married 13 years this November. We have four children ~ Joshua -10, Andrew - 8, David - 4, and Elizabeth Jane - 22 months. We are very excited to be adopting two precious girls from China!!!! Louisa May just turned 11 and Lili Claire is 10! They are best friends in the orphanage and we are so happy to bring them home together as forever sisters! Yes, we will have 3 children born in 2002 ~ our unplanned triplets!!! :) Louisa has dyskenisia, palsy in her legs and is in a wheel chair. Lili Claire has hydrocephalus. We have a long journey of medical appointments ahead of us and will also be making our house wheel chair accessible to benefit Louisa. We greatly appreciate all donations given to help us bring our daughters home! We have already been very blessed by these two precious girls and are honored to get to be their family!!! Thank you so much and God bless you!!