Drew Easley

is adopting a child from United States of America

We’re Drew and Lindsay, and Elijah (8) and Grant (3). Before our two boys, we had fertility issues. After a year of fertility treatment, Lindsay had some awful symptoms and was told over the phone that she was miscarrying and would “be fine to try again next month”. We didn’t even know we were pregnant.

But we continue fertility treatment, and conceived, and lost two more children. Friends, these losses were hard, and scary, and earth shattering. But we continued fertility treatment, because we knew we wanted to grow our family. These treatments were, um, NOT fun. Shots, pills, uncomfortable appointments and procedures, but then there was Elijah. When we found out we had made it to the second trimester we were thrilled! We had some scares, and an emergency C-section, in which the anesthesia was either ineffective, or not really administered, we still aren’t really sure. Lindsay screamed as she felt the incisions during the procedure. She will still tell you it was worth every second.

Elijah was so awesome it didn’t take long for us to decide we still wanted to grow our family. So we went through three more rounds of successful fertility treatment, and had three more losses. We felt defeated and gave up, and then suddenly we conceived without fertility treatment. They said conception without drugs wasn’t possible. But it was. And so, despite our loss, we tried again!!!!! And had another loss.

We discussed a vasectomy or other option, to end the suffering of eight miscarriages, and of course as fate would have it, found out we were pregnant once more. We were fully prepared to lose this child, and when he was born alive and well, we were in shock. We have two beautiful, smart, kind, and witty boys, who want a sister. AND, we want her too.

We believe somewhere out there, is a birth mom, who wants to choose a loving family for her baby girl. And we are asking for your help to make this dream a reality.


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$1,085 raised of $17,500 goal
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Match Donations to this Family

Donations 17

  • Leah Berry gave $70
  • Jennifer Priddy gave $30
  • Anonymous gave $50
  • Amanda and David gave $25
  • Kristine Babcock gave $100
  • Amanda and David gave $70
  • Mitchell Lee gave $10