"I questioned if I was ready to adopt, and then realized that no child was ready to be an orphan." When we were newly married eight years ago, God worked in a powerful way to open our eyes to the needs of children that needed a mom & dad. Four kids later, we are now continuing along this path by welcoming Eden & Lydia into our family! Eden & Lydia live in China and are both 3.5 years old. Both girls have medical needs that will require the love & care that only a family can truly provide for them. All they&'ve ever known is life in an institution since they were one or two months old! We&'re so happy to be their family, and hope to bring them home in March 2016. Follow our blog at: www.withhandswideopen.wordpress.com Often we hear people say, "I could never do what you&'re doing!" or "You must have a special calling from God!" While we do not believe our heart for adoption is a &'special calling,&' we do know that not all people can adopt. But everyone can and should do something to meet the needs of orphans & vulnerable families! Maybe you are someone who cannot adopt, but you might be able play an IMPORTANT part in orphan care by financially supporting our adoption of Eden & Lydia. If you would like to join in on this journey, we&'d be so grateful! The total cost associated with the girls&' adoption is over $40,000. We are hoping to raise at least $15,000 of this. You are a blessing to us, and to Eden & Lydia as well!