We have some exciting news that the Lord has been doing in our family this past year! As we’ve prayed that God would use our family to impact the world with the Gospel, we’re very excited to say that we are ADOPTING , and we wanted you all to be some of the first to know. We covet your prayers, your emotional support, and your encouragement as we seek to proclaim the Gospel in bringing a child into our home, giving them our name, our family, and all the blessings God has given us. We believe that in this season of life, God has called us to adopt, to mirror His pursuit of us, and to hopefully see our child one day become His disciple.
Additional Information:
- We are adopting domestically from either NC or SC via the agency Christian Adoption Services in NC.
- Our agency works with pregnant mothers who feel they cannot parent, but who bravely choose adoption instead of abortion. We will be adopting an infant.
- We are currently filling out paperwork in preparation for our home study.
- At the time of our home study, we will have to pay 8,500.
- Once our home study is complete, we will await child placement. At the time of placement, we will owe between 18-20,000 (dependent on if the child is from SC/NC, respectively).
Pray with us in the following ways:
- That the Lord would continually prepare our hearts and home
- That we would trust Him to provide the means and money to adopt our child
- That our child would one day proclaim Christ as Lord and follow Him
- That we would have patience with the amount of paperwork and hoops that make up the process of adoption
Feel free to email us with any questions, we'd love to talk more details about what God is doing!
Brodie & Caroline