Hi, we are Jason and Cindy Fikes. We have been married for 14 years and are the proud parents of two children. We have always talked about adoption. After having children and maturing in our relationship with the Lord, we realized it was time to stop talking and step out in faith. We knew we were being called to add to our family through the blessing of adoption. In December of 2012 we accepted the referral for a little girl from Africa. She will be ready to come home soon and we are excited to bring her home. Adoption is expensive. Of the approximately $40,000 total, we have paid $28,000 through personal savings, grants, and fundraisers. We still need $12,000 in order to bring our daughter home. We know that God has been faithful to provide this far and we are confident in His provision for this adoption. We are grateful for those that have supported us and humbly ask that you would consider donating towards our adoption. Ways you can help. Pray. Pray our little girl will come home quickly, remain healthy in the wait, and adjust well. Pray for the financial barrier to be lifted. Donate. Any amount. It all adds up. And it is tax deductible.