After a long road beginning in 2017 and two failed matches in 2020, we finally brought home our precious daughter on October 4, 2020. Emma was born 9/30/20. We first laid eyes on her and fell in love 10/2/20.
Although we had originally set a goal of $16,000 to help cover the cost of placement (due in 30 days), the total adoption expenses have since been increased and the total cost is now due within 30 days of placement in our home rather than the placement fee alone. We are trusting God to provide what we need to cover these expenses.
We ask you to pray with us and prayerfully consider financially supporting our family. Some of the ways you can help:
We hope by inviting you into this process you will see yourself as part of the community we want to build around Emma as she grows up. Thank you for becoming part of our adoption journey!
With love,
Eric, Aubrey, Shane, Landon, & Emma