Janie Giffin

is adopting a child from Colombia


Since this video was taken back in the spring, the Lord has called us to adopt again! A precious, 11 year old girl in Colombia wants a forever family, and our family has fallen in love with her. We wish to provide a loving, stable home for her and ultimately lead her to the Lord. God's fingerprints are now so evident as the story unfolds. We would have never met "Sandy" and may not know about her- had she not come to Alabama this summer through an orphan hosting program. "Sandy" is an amputee, but she does not let her disability get in the way. She is a strong girl who has been through so much in her short life. She strongly desires to be a part of a family who will love her and provide the support
that she needs. Although we are not super comfortable with the idea of fundraising another adoption so soon, some sweet friends/family have asked how they can be a part of "Sandy's" story and feel led to support our family's adoption. We were not expecting to adopt again so soon- so the $26,000 in fees that are due before we travel to Colombia were not accounted for in this year's family budget. Those fees do not include the flights to Colombia or the 3-4 week stay in Colombia that is a mandatory part of the process. We know that there will also be other unexpected expenses to meet her medical needs once home. So, please view our family's story below and thank you for praying and supporting the soon to be "Giffin Party of 8." May God bless you richly!

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Adoption Agency

Lifeline Children's Services


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$30,140 raised of $30,000 goal
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Match Donations to this Family

Donations 20

  • James R. Giffin gave $5,000
  • Jim Brewer gave $500
  • Noonday Collection gave $146
  • kellyn lee bilton gave $1,000
  • Krista Rayburn gave $100
  • Alison and Stephen Sanders gave $1,000
  • Lee & Eva Stevens gave $1,000
  • Waltchack Holdings LLC Alpine Farms Account gave $7,545
  • Waltchack Holdings LLC Alpine Farms Account gave $7,545
  • Carol Giffin gave $5,000