We're adopting!!!
We are so excited to announce that God has called us to grow our family through adoption. This has been a dream of ours since before we were married and we are so thankful to see how God has been preparing the way for us to adopt so that now we can start the journey.
Over time, the call and desire to adopt became more clear as our hearts and minds were given opportunities to practice caring for children who weren't biologically ours. These experiences were especially powerful and meaningful as Jen cared for several families through her job as a nanny from 2014-2019, where she loved and cared for these children as if they were her own.
While we always wanted to adopt, we also prayed and asked God for the opportunity to have children biologically. However, 18 months of trying to get pregnant didn't leave us in sorrow or despair; rather, it solidified our desire to adopt.
We’d love for you to join us as we take these steps to grow our family! There are 3 specific ways you can be involved:
1) Pray
Please pray:
For the birth mother and father, that they would have wisdom, peace and strength as they make the courageous decision to pursue adoption with us.
For the protection and preservation of the baby as he or she grows.
That we would be matched quickly and easily while fostering a meaningful and loving connection with the birth mother.
For the finances to cover the entire cost of the adoption.
For our adjustment from being a family of four to a family of five.
2) Give
We are expecting this adoption to cost between $30,000-$40,000. We plan to cover a significant portion of the estimated costs with personal savings, but we are asking that you would prayerfully consider giving through our family profile here on AdoptTogether!
3) Share
Do you know others who are in the process of adopting or who have already adopted? Do you know anyone who would be encouraged by our story and want to join us? It’s a small world out there, and we’d love to encourage others who are on a similar journey and to grow our community. Please consider sharing our story with those you know.
We are so excited to not just bring this child into our immediate family, but into the world (which includes all of you)! And we are so thankful this child will not only be the recipient of our love but the recipient of your love as well.
It is true that joy is multiplied when life is shared with family and friends, so thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share this part of our lives with you!
Jud & Jen