Tom Gullett

is adopting a child from United States of America

We are excited to be starting another adoption. This is such an exciting journey to take! The Lord laid it on our hearts 4 years ago to grow our family through adoption. Through much prayer, working hard and waiting on the Lord, He allowed us to complete our first domestic adoption in 2013. We brought home Thaddeus and our hearts overflowed with love for this little life that the Lord entrusted to us. When He turned 1, we began to pray about working toward another adoption. Through time in God&'s Word and talking together, all of us decided we would like to do it once again. Here we are starting adoption number 2 with hopeful hearts! We are homestudy ready and are beginning the stage of raising funds. This can be one of the hardest parts of the journey, because adoption is expensive and it seems like it is a BIG uphill mountain. But even though it looks big to us, it is not big to the LORD. He knows the obstacles before us and they were allowed by Him: to grow us, to shape up and to prepare us for what He has for us. This can also be one of the most exciting parts too, because as God provides, we stand in AWE! Thank you for your love and support!


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$682 raised of $5,000 goal
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  • Original Donations gave $682
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