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We are adopting a very large sibling group!
This journey has been 10 years in the making. We've talked about adoption since the beginning of our marriage. God blessed us with our miracle baby (which we didn't think we could have), but we've also had our losses (miscarriages). We have felt called to adopt a sibling group, because it can be difficult to place multiple children at the same time. Our expectation was to adopt a sibling group of between 2-3 (husband's thoughts) and 4-6 (wife's plan). Our biggest hurdle was having a house with enough space. Last year God led us to a house that fit all of our needs…except being TOO big! We couldn't say we didn't have enough room anymore, which is when our journey accelerated beyond anything we could have imagined…
So how did we go from "adoption" to a very large group of kids? Well, we'd been browsing through lists of waiting children for years discussing what we thought we could and couldn't handle. On the night we decided to start this journey I remember saying "There can't possibly be a sibling group of more than 5 kids" right before we started browsing the lists one more time. The first group on our list had way more than that! After much thought and prayer, we decided to cast all our fears into God's care. If it would be His will, for us to go down this path, then He would either open the doors or close them. We reached out to the adoption agency (Lifeline) that was advocating for "our" kids the next day. We found that the kids were about to be split up, because no one had come forward to adopt them for over a year, so we quickly put in our Letter of Intent and started our Home Study.
Philip & Meredith
“He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will” Ephesians 1:5