Megan Hannigan

is adopting a child


As many of you know, we have prayed about this decision for years. After seeking out wise counsel and clarity from the Lord, we feel as if now is this perfect time. We have chosen to go the route of private adoption using Mustard Seed Adoption Consulants. Why private adoption and not foster care? The best answer we can possibly give, is simply because that’s what we feel like the Lord has called us to. Regardless of any opposition we’ve already been met with, we know without a shadow of a doubt that God has ordained us to adopt for such a time as this. There’s so much peace knowing the enemy has already been defeated by the cross. Satan hates adoption because it’s the greatest picture of God’s love for us we can tangibly see on this earth. We are prepared for his attacks, but we will NOT be shaken. We’ve chosen to walk through this process publicly so that others can see God’s faithfulness and be encouraged if they’re experiencing the same call to adoption. We are not naive to think there are no guarantees in adoption. We know that we will experience plenty of highs and lows through this process, but we will not give up until we bring our son home. So rest assured, your donations will not be in vain.

For those who don’t know, private adoption costs between $20,000-$40,000. Why? Well according to, “Additional costs for birth parent expenses (i.e. medical, rent, living expenses, phone, etc.) are set on a case-by-case basis. The adopting parent(s) pays for the Adoption Home Study, Post Placement Supervisory Visits, travel, as well as legal counsel for themselves and the birth parent(s).” While it’s expensive, theres no price tag you can put on providing a loving home and different tragjectory in life for a child in need. We have full intention to back our decision with our finances, but we also firmly believe and stand by our decision to fundraise. Why? Because it gives those who want to be apart of this the opportunity to. Whether it be through prayer or financial support, it takes a village to raise littles and we have the BEST ONE. There’s nothing more beautiful than seeing the body of Christ join together as one to fulfill His plan. My hopes are that through our fundraising efforts, there will be a surplus to donate to another family pursuing adoption.

The truth is, we have no expectations for anyone to give, but we have full expectations for God to provide however He wills. We do ask that you each of you pray, first and foremost, our son’s birthmom. Adoption is filled with the most devastating sorrow and overwhelming joy. Regardless of the fact he is getting a loving family, there is still a mom giving up her baby and that deserves all the prayer in the world. Pray for comfort, peace, and grace for her life and her decision. My love for her is something I can’t explain and I don’t even know her name. Pray she feels absolutely no shame for her decision and that she knows her value ultimately in Jesus. Secondly, pray for our family as we prepare to bring this little guy home. Pray that the Lord guards our hearts from any hatred or backlash. Pray we meet every question with grace. Pray that the process goes exactly how God plans it. Pray that I can re-lactate (lol). And pray that God is ultimately glorified through this process. We believe the best is yet to come and we’re so excited for you guys to walk alongside of us in this journey!

Now, let’s bring home our son!


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$696 raised of $15,000 goal
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Donations 18

  • Kris Fazio gave $50
  • Anonymous gave $10
  • Maranda Richardson gave $20
  • Alexa Grote gave $5
  • Abbi Young gave $1
  • Meghan Jezo gave $5
  • JuLyia gave $100
  • Michelle Wyatt gave $10
  • Jamie Robb gave $30
  • Anonymous gave $10