Dear Friends and Family,
As you all know, two years ago we brought home our sweet Sophia from Bulgaria. She has opened our hearts and minds up to the world of orphan care and the crisis that is ongoing in this broken world. It has not been easy. She is a super special girl and has some real issues that we are learning to navigate. Honestly, we took the classes and thought we were prepared for whatever God had planned until we were actually faced with it. Daily. Never ending. Forever. But there is beauty in the hardships. We are learning patience (like we have never known), kindness, sharing, self-control, and true joy (you do not know true joy until you’ve heard Sophia belly laugh just because). She has cemented her place in all of our hearts and allowed us to imagine growing our family again, And so…
We are growing our family through adoption again! This decision has been a full family choice and we move forward with the blessing of the people who matter most. God has given us great love and He wants us to share it. Our boys have been amazing to watch. Their growth with Sophia can only be described as God ordained because there is no other way I could explain it.
Seth has been begging for the better part of the last year for us to adopt again. I guess when God puts something on our hearts, we don’t stop until it gets moving. Garon and I are willing and excited about this next “phase” in our lives, but we move forward a little more cautiously, prayerfully, open-eyed, and open-hearted.
A little bit about our daughter. Leah lives in Bulgaria and is currently in foster care. She is eleven years old and she loves to draw and paint. She is a typical pre-teen so that should be a lot of fun. :)
While it has been amazing to see the changes throughout all of the Hano house, it is not easy. like I said. We know this next step will be equally challenging. So, we are asking for your prayers. Prayers that we will bond with our daughter quickly once she gets home. Prayers that she acclimates to us and this new life in the United States. And prayers that the transition seems as seamless as last time.
We are also asking for your support through donations. Adoption is expensive, I can’t sugar-coat it. We estimate the cost to be about $35,000 and we just don’t have that kind of money laying around. We know adopting is a calling, God references our adoption into His kingdom throughout the New Testament, and we want to be obedient to His calling. Donations through this site are 100% tax deductible and go directly to the adoption agency on our behalf.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Thank you for the love you have shown us already.
Nicole, Garon, Wes, Jonah, Seth and Sophia