A Utah judge recently ruled against this gay adoptive father and our friend, Brett Bluth, and has ordered his son Oscar returned to the biological parents he does not know. This unprecedented case, which has serious ramifications for the future of LGBT and heterosexual adoption in America, is currently awaiting appeal in the Appellate and Utah Supreme Court. If the lower court’s ruling is upheld, the case is likely to proceed to the Supreme Court of the United States.Two-year-old Oscar has been living with his adoptive family since birth. Oscar’s legal parents terminated their parental rights and selected Brett as the adoptive father. Oscar has lived with Brett and his five year old sister, Maxx, also adopted, ever since.
Oscar is being denied adoption protections that are legally his. This family is in the fight of their lives, not only to remain together but also to halt the reversal of established laws that protect adopted children from being caught in custodial limbo should biological parents decide to change their minds or be found negligent during the child’s pregnancy and birth.
Brett recently filed Oscars motion for appeal to reverse the lower courts decision and the appellate court granted a stay that keeps Oscar in Brett’s custody during the year-long appeal process. The fight ahead is a long one; Oscar could be five years old before it is over. In truth, legal battles at this level come down to money. Oscar and his family need help now to move forward in this appeal.
Oscar’s case is amassing considerable legal fees and AdoptTogether has launched a campaign to help support the case. Brett has paid $75,000 in legal costs for the first two years of Oscar’s adoption battle. Fees for the appeal are expected to exceed $150,000.
This historic ruling, if upheld, will sever Oscar from the only family he knows and will overturn the two major laws that protect children in adoption. It’s a massive disruption to adoption protections with considerable ramifications not just for LGBT adoptions, but for all adoptions across the United States.
Brett is fighting for his son but the burden has landed on him to also fight on behalf of all of us touched by adoption – both present and future adoptions. The delicate protections Oscar is being denied are of such importance that this fight could be taken to the Supreme Court of the United States for finalization. It is an immense burden for Brett to afford alone. Please consider donating to Oscar’s legal fees and share with everyone you know.
Thank you
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