"When it is all finished, you will discover it was never random."
Hello to you, whoever you may be. My name is Angelika Higgins and I am the teacher of a group of three and four-year-olds, my husband Christopher is a Combat Medic with almost eight years of service. We have been married for almost three years, but have known each other since the 8th grade.
I have always been a believer that things that are meant to happen will find a way. When I saw him(my now husband) for the first time in years, I didn't question why I gravitated towards him in a way I never had before. We had always been friends but never once did I look at the boy who lived down the street and thinks "this will be my forever." I guess the universe had a way of knowing just when we would need each other the most. I had just ended a long and unhealthy relationship, he was nearing the end of a loveless marriage. I gave to him the one thing I had to offer, friendship. As I now know to be true though "love is friendship caught on fire." We became inseparable, and somewhere along the way, we fell in love. As the end of the 2014 year came closer, there was no question about whether or not we would be together. We did what any love blinded pair of twenty-four year olds would do, we got married. We eloped the day before we left for our Christmas vacation with my family in a Puerto Rico, we sent cards out to our loved ones to share the news.
Like many couples children is a conversation that came along early. We spent countless nights discussing how we would raise them, and what names we loved and which ones we didn't. I made it known that I would prefer to have our first child join our family by way of adoption. I've always felt the need to adopt, in a world where there are so many kids who don't have a home to call their own. We agreed we would be happiest if we were to build our family, not just from adoption, but foster care and biologically as well if possible. We began the process of becoming foster parents, only to have to put it on hold due to the uncertainty that comes with the Army. The more it looked like my husband would be leaving the Army the more we discussed buying a home of our own and becoming foster parents. Adoption became a long term goal due to the overwhelming cost that comes with it. As time went on, we still longed for a child to love. We agreed to try for a biological child first. We have spent the last year and a half trying with no luck.
I don't know what you believe in; be it an all knowing God, the universe itself, fate or just plain luck, but like I said before I believe that things that are meant to be find a way to happen. This July my husband received a phone call that would turn our world upside down in the best way possible. This December we will receive the greatest gift anyone could give us. We will see our son Dorian Lucas( our bright and gift) enter this world, and shortly after he will legally become the next member of the Higgins family!
We are doing everything within our power to make this an easy transition for our family, which is hard when my husband will also most likely be transitioning out of the Army this coming February. We have also hit a few financial bumps in the road this year, so our savings are not what they used to be. We will continue to budget our money and cut back on any and all things that are not needed. We currently have a little over $1000 of our own money saved up to go towards the costs of this adoption, we do not yet know what the final cost will end up being. That is why we have set our goal amount at $4000 to make sure that whatever the cost we will be able to bring our baby boy home. Thank you in advance for any and all donations made. We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our son as he grows up.