Adoption has been laid heavily on my heart for as long as I can remember. While it has been something Jake and I talked about doing from the beginning of our marriage, we were never sure of the timing, and what it would look like for us. This spring, we began digging seriously into adoption and trying to figure that out.
Initially, we wrote off international adoption, we didn't even want to consider it. It was too big, too expensive, too hard, too much work, too much time and too much travel. We didn't think it was for us, we didn’t want it to be for us. While we were looking into domestic infant adoption, and adoption through foster care, God closed both of those doors for us. So there we were, looking at the door WE had closed, but it was the only door GOD had open for us.
We came to a peace and understanding that this isn't about our will, but about His will, we are just along for the ride. We feel led to the country Haiti, because of the profound need, and its resilient people. While we plan on continuing to work hard, save hard, and tighten our budget, we need help funding this adoption. We continue to give this financial burden to God, because we simply don’t have the money.
Asking for help is hard. We have been humbled as we look at this mound of money that is quickly becoming due. We have completed our home-study, and our Dossier is in the works to be completed soon and sent off to Haiti. We need help getting to our next phase so we can wait for a match to a child. Our total adoption will cost around $35,000; but right now we need $10,000. It is expensive; there are a lot of fees to a lot of different people. We ask that you pray and support us through this process, we need family and friends to walk along side us.
This page will serve as a means to help us fundraise, all donations are a tax write off for you, and go directly towards our adoption expenses. We also have a paypal account if you woul prefer. We won’t take your support for granted. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts in advance.
Jake and Carmen