We are Jason and Demi, and we are a couple currently waiting to be matched with a baby to adopt into our family. What a blessing that even when we were just dating, we each had a heart to adopt someday. That it came up in our pre-marriage conversations even then is a clear indication that the Lord was preparing our hearts for how He would grow our family. Fast forward a few years: marriage, a miscarriage, fertility testing, a diagnosis, and then the grief. Of course this was the most difficult season of our lives. But it didn't take long for us to know in our hearts that we wanted to move forward with adoption and forego IVF altogether. Is this an exciting decision? YES! Has it been a difficult one? Absolutely. The moments of fear along the way have been just as countless as the application pages we've filled out! :) But adoption is so very beautiful! On our blog we've shared about the adoption triad (birth parents, child, adoptive parents.) But really, there is more to the triad- the community behind us. How incredibly thankful we are for all of you who have prayed with and encouraged us, for adoptive parents who have waked this road before us and shared their stories and advice and care! So here it is, all of you who have walked with us, read our blog, encouraged us and prayed with us, we are humbly asking for your help in another way. This adoption will cost us about $25,000 after all is said and done. This includes agency fees, legal fees, medical expenses and post- birth care for the birth mother, and more. We have already paid about $5,000 of this but the rest will be due in full when our baby is placed with us. Of course, this amount is in addition to all of the normal expenses all first-time parents have! So needless to say we are incredibly thankful and humbled by any gift you would like to give to support our adoption journey. THANK YOU! Love, Jason and Demi