We believe God is calling us to adopt a child from China and we thank you for visiting this page. We have 3 beautiful girls and are in the process of bringing a special needs child from China home to Texas. Sarah visited China with our agency this year and saw the beautiful faces of children that need a mom and dad and we are doing what we can to change the life of the child God places with us. We are currently matched with a 7 year old boy with a heart defect. Liam is a very sweet little boy who deserves to know the love of a family and we can&'t wait to bring him home. Adoption is a very expensive process and we are investing a great deal of our own money into this process but know that there are people that want to partner with us and speed up the process of bringing our child home. Thank you so much for any amount you can give. We believe that God sets the lonely in families and thank you for being a part of this story. The Stevensons www.jeffandsarah.com