Jenna & Pete C.

are adopting a child from United States of America

We're excited to share that we are in the process of infant adoption!

Why infant adoption? We have so much love to give & are so ready to bring a baby into our family! While we’ve been through it all with infertility the last 6 years - 5 miscarriages & a stillbirth, we decided to put all treatments on pause while we focus on growing our family a different way.

We are home-study approved as of September 2023, & are now waiting for a match to be made.

We are so appreciative of any support we receive. We have a shirt fundraiser, this for monetary donations (that will be tax deductible), & will be hosting a fun auction to support our journey soon in 2023 too!

Thank you so much for your love and support!

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched


This family has not posted an update yet. Donate to receive updates by email.
$5,210 raised of $16,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 39

  • Don Sellari gave $50
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Michael Colella gave $200
  • Ben Dellamo gave $100
  • Dino Vitagliano gave $100
  • Robert Cucci gave $50
    Best of luck
  • Nancy Cucurello gave $100
    What a wonderful way to bring a new member into the family! Best wishes and congrats to you! XOXOXO
  • Peter Cuccionilli Sr. gave $200
  • Abby toal gave $10