Thanks for stopping in! This adoption journey started for us a couple years ago. Let us share our story with you… Some time ago, we both felt that we were given a strong desire to become parents. So, we began &'trying&' but God had different plans in mind for us at this time. It was time to &'try&' something different. After a lot of tough discussions, both with each other and with God, we believe we have been led towards beginning this adoption journey. We are excited for this new path of adoption that we are headed down. We cannot wait to have a baby in our arms, to love and raise for God&'s glory. At the same time, we know that this will be a long and challenging process. During this time, we will need to stand on and trust the promises of God, daily asking the Holy Spirit to be with us, guide us, and give us that unexplainable peace we have both experienced before. This is hard for us to admit, but we have come to realize that we will also need support from you, God&'s people. We will need for you to pray for us, encourage us, and if possible, financially partner with us. We pray, that as you consider how you can partner with us (prayerfully, means of encouragement, or financially) that your support wouldn&'t be just for us to begin our family, but for the kingdom of God– the work he is doing and will be doing in our lives. We LOVE You and thank you for listening to our story. In HIS Grace, Jon & Jackie