Jessica and I just got back from a road trip to Nebraska. We were able to stop and see family along the way in Chicago. But who goes to Nebraska for fun? On August 1st, we got a call that there was a little boy in Nebraska that needed a home. We said yes. Don't be confused, that means exactly what you think; Jessica and I are parents now. Born at 33wks and weighing 3lbs 10oz, he was being lined up for foster care and his mom decided that adoption would be better for him. Jess' profession as a NICU nurse immediately caught the birth mom's attention, and my work with students with special needs was also a plus. We haven't been very vocal about the process of growing our family. After a 6 years of waiting mixed with fertility treatments, hard mothers/fathers days, and not thinking about it (but really thinking about it), we felt the call to adopt. At first we resisted, wondering if we could love a child that's not "ours". Slowly our hearts softened with the testimonies of friends and the revelation that this was the way we were meant to go. There have been so many little (and big) moments that are beyond coincidence. We serve a great God that inclines to our hearts' cries, if only we remember to stop and hear the answers. We have been incredibly blessed by friends and family with so many hand-me-downs that we really have little need for "stuff". The greatest help we could receive at this point is financial. While even we are still a bit floored by so many of the unknown costs of adoption we appreciate all the help we can get. Without further ado, we are pleased to introduce our son, John Elmore Dodson.