We love kids and God has given us two wonderful little boys. When the time came to decide how to grow our family from here, we were excited to emulate our heavenly Father&'s heart to care for orphans and pursue adoption. We started getting council from family and friends, doing research on where the needs are and decided to apply in February of 2014 to adopt from China. We had our home study in October and got officially matched with a little girl in January 2015! Now we are in the home stretch just waiting for paperwork to go through and our travel date to come up! Throughout this process we have received so many prayers, so much good advice and so much support from our family, friends and church. Many of you have asked if you can help us financially as the cost of our adoption will probably end up in the $35,000 range. We have been able to save and raise some of the funds we need for the adoption, travel, and medical expenses, and will welcome any of you partnering with us to see our little girl come home. It is such a comfort to know that you are alongside us in this! Thank you for all you do for us! Much Love, The Johnsons