Our love story began two and a half years ago on October 22, 2011. We were extremely excited to get married and start a family as soon as the Lord would bless us. Time began to tick on by without the gift of children. Month after month turned into year after year. Our hearts grew sad but we remained firm in hope that God would grow our family someday…somehow. Adoption was something we had talked about prior to getting married. Both of us desired to pursue it at some point in our marriage, we just didn&'t know when. In battling infertility, that desire to adopt began to increase with time and the doors began to open. We officially started the adoption process in April 2014 and can hardly contain our excitement to become parents in this way! Heading down this road, we feel a call to involve others in the process. This adoption is not simply a means of growing our family. It can be a way to bring The Body of Christ together in a powerful way to answer God&'s call to care for orphans. "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction…"James 1:27 Who are we to prevent others from being able to answer this call in a concrete way by supporting our adoption efforts financially? For many, this may be the only/few way(s) they ever have to care for an orphaned child in an up close and personal way. Thank you to all who partner with us by making a tax-deductible donation on our road to parenthood! We couldn&'t be more humbled or thankful for your generosity. Follow our journey at www.truegoodandbeautiful.net/adoption or check here for updates.