Jennifer Kaelin

is adopting a child from China

Our story began in a small office in Springfield, VA. Though we have traveled extensively in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, and seen so many children in need during our journeys, we never considered international adoption. As we sat listening to story after story of incredible families who brought children and their cultures into their homes the answer hit us like a bolt of lightening. We would adopt a special needs child through China&'s Waiting Child program. We have countless resources, both as a family and as a country, and we want to give a future to a child that currently does not have one. We know the road ahead will be long but the reward of raising a child and welcoming another culture into our family&'s fabric is immense. The adoption process has its own unique challenges. We know there are additional hurdles we will have to overcome (including numerous medical appointments and possible surgeries) but we are so grateful for the ability to give love to a child in need. This is the start of our journey and we need your help. Unfortunately, international adoption is expensive. We have already made sacrifices and are committed to continue doing whatever is necessary to bring our child home. We are excited to partner with AdoptTogether to make your gifts tax deductible. Fundraising is only a small part of our efforts, and we would be incredibly grateful if you could lend a hand to us on our path. Through this process we have thought a lot about what family means. For us, family means love, warmth, and a community of support. Please join ours and help us give a child in need the family they deserve. With many thanks, Jennifer & James


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$777 raised of $2,000 goal
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  • Original Donations gave $777
    Donations from original AT website